Slowly, very slowly, he is approaching his prey. He cannot move too quickly in case he frightens it.
Sudden movements would also evoke aggressions from his fellow predators, standing close by. So he waits, head to the ground, but his eyes keep moving, following every single change of environment. Restlessly moving.

The prey does not know it is prey. It feels secure, protected by its carriage. It does not know that the dices have already been cast and the decision is made even before the little animal enters the zoned area.

The predator prepares to attack and with this thought alone, the vibrations in the air change. Automatically, the prey clutches its folder closer to its chest and walks just a tiny little closer to the walls. Between its arm and the cold concrete, there are only a couple of centimetres left. Almost imperceptibly, the massive cold stops the vibrations, the shaking. The apartment door is only a few metres away, but the prey waits until it is right in front of it before it pulls out the keys on a leather string.

The old Munich almost touches its prey now, closing the gap between his fingers and the keys. His mouth believes it is tasting the taste of success.

Until suddenly, ...

...one of the other predators, a younger one, sets its foot between the two. Among the other biding predators, I keep my distance and observe. I notice that the younger predator ignores what seems clear for everyone else: that older predators always have the right of the elder. They hunt and eat the prey they have chosen first, first!
And they are the first to taste the meat.

The battle is short, it only lasts four minutes until the prey is cornered by the two predators. It is standing on a threshold, too far from the calming security of the concrete. The dark hole behind the prey seems as menacing as the four stinging eyes in front of it. And while both predators threaten the prey, the older spots a chance, is faster, is wiser, is louder. Suffering several severe blows, the younger one beats retreat.

Once a predator tasted success, it will not let it go.
The apartment was gone after four minutes, without a fair fight. And I felt like a predator that has not been taught yet how to hunt. A predator that could only observe, disgusted by the brutality. With anger boiling in my gut.

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